Learned Kubernetes
Wrote an article
Tested a new product
This snippet will focus in conceptual testing for several components which includes GKE Autopilot and Managed ASM for automation, Flagger for progressive deployment with Istio (ASM), and the third party add-on for ASM (Prometheus, Grafana, Kiali).

Several interest things (in my own opinion) for thought :
1. Behavior of Flagger in test and scale through HPA
2. Deployment strategy (eg. gitops through flux or Anthos Config? Or CD)
3. Metrics for progressive

Managed ASM-GKE Autopilot: http://ow.ly/nRT350JhcbS
Flagger-istio: http://ow.ly/k8Eg50JhcbK
3rdParty Add-On: http://ow.ly/xZ5V50Jhcce

Article: http://ow.ly/49Ny50Jhccy